A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Riverbridge Primary School

Who's Who

At Riverbridge we strongly believe in the wider community of the school and helping our children to become good citizens within that community.  

We can do this with support from parents, governors, local clubs and activities and our surrounding neighbours.  We believe that by working in partnership with different members of our local community we are able to harness more opportunities for our children and strengthen the provision overall.

The Leadership Team

Mrs. McCarthy Executive Principal
Mr. Grimwood Headteacher
Mrs. Price Deputy Headteacher
Mrs. Ronicle Inclusion Leader
Mrs. Talkington Early Years & Key Stage 1 Phase Leader
Mr. Toms Key Stage 2 Phase Leader
Mrs. Bruton Curriculum Team Leader 
Mrs. King Maths Subject Leader
Miss. Heffernan English Subject Leader
Mrs. Williams School Business Leader

Teaching Staff 2023/24

Class Name  Teacher Teaching Assistants SEN Support Assistant (if applicable)


Miss. Davie

Mrs. Smith

Miss. Lan
 RM Miss. Mihelyi*

Mrs. King

Mr. Kyle

Mrs. Osborne

Mrs. Talkington and

Miss. Andrews

Mrs. Dotson

Miss Neale


 1H Miss. Hall

Mrs. Phagora

Mrs. Vincente

Mrs. Abbas

Mrs. Bignell

 1L Miss. Loky*

Mrs. Carter

Mrs. Meher



 1R Miss. Ramesh

Mrs. Roberts

Mrs. Nagoor

Miss. Hames


 2C Miss. Cuthbert Mrs. Vicente

Mr. Bennet

Miss. Currier

 2G Miss. Goldswain Mrs. Holden

Mrs. Howell

Miss. Bushell

 2S Miss. Shaw*

Mrs. Meher

Mrs. Leverett

Miss. Ahmed

Mrs. Zaslona

 3H Miss. Heffernan* Miss. Foster Mrs. Holden

Mrs. Bruton and 

Mrs. Hamilton

Mrs. Essed Mr. Bennet
 3P Miss. Parker Mr. Seez Mrs. Thompson
 4P Mrs. Phelan* Mrs. Alvarez-Hull

Miss. Paul

 4T Mr. Toms and Miss. Summers Miss. Wills Mrs. Leverett

Miss Gray and

Mrs. Paul

Mr. Kyle

Miss. Fuidge

 5G Mrs. Gale* Mrs. Culey

Miss. Richards

 5R Miss. Rigg Mrs. Markey Mrs. Howell
 5W Mr. Williams Mrs. Jimenez

Mrs. Wells

 6I Mrs. Ingram Mrs. Neumann

Mrs. King

Mrs. Aldred

 6K Mrs. King* Mrs. Enderby Mrs. Markey
 6S Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Jones

Miss. Fuidge

Mrs. Jackson


Miss. Bancroft (Nursery Manager) & Miss. Spink

(Deputy Nursery Manager)

Mrs. Shingadia, Miss. Hughes, Mrs Rattlidge, Mrs. Jeeawody, 



* denotes Year Group Leader

Non-Class Based Staff

Mrs. Wallace Pastoral Co-ordinator
Mrs. Hughes Home School Link Worker (HSLW)
Mrs. Lenton-Clark Home School Link Worker (HSLW)
Mrs. Carter ELSA 
Mrs. Jones ELSA
Mr. Blasigh Site Manager
Mr. Gillard Sports Premium Mentor

Office Staff

Mrs. Harvey Office Manager
Mrs. Kent School Secretary
Mrs. Gammage School Secretary
Mrs. Bhagalia School Secretary
Mrs. Daniels School Secretary
Mrs. Drake School Secretary
Mrs. Perfect School Secretary
Mrs. Zimmermann School Secretary
Mrs. Sines School Secretary

 Wraparound Care Staff

Mrs. Bhagalia

Wraparound Care Manager

Mrs. Thompson Wraparound Care  Assistant
Mrs. Welch Wraparound Care  Assistant
Mrs. Nagoor Wraparound Care  Assistant
Mrs. Shingadia Wraparound Care  Assistant
Mrs. Willis Wraparound Care  Assistant
Mrs. Sheath Wraparound Care  Assistant
Mrs. Baluyut Wraparound Care  Assistant
Miss. Essed-Grujicic Wraparound Care  Assistant
Miss. Fuidge Wraparound Care  Assistant
Mrs. Alhafez Wraparound Care  Assistant

Lunchtime Staff

Mrs. Macdonald Lunchtime Supervisor

Subject Leadership 2023/24

English Miss. Heffernan / Miss. Shaw
Maths Mr. Williams & Mrs. King
Science Mrs. Phelan 
Computing Miss. Loky 
History  Mrs. Gale
Geography Miss Rigg
Art Miss. Goldswain
Design Technology Miss. Ramesh
Music Mrs. Shaw
Religious Education Miss. Cuthbert
P.S.H.E Miss Hall and Mrs Hamilton
Physical Education Miss. Parker & Miss Mihelyi
Modern Foreign Languages Mrs. Vincent
Outdoor Learning Miss. Mihelyi
Educational Visits Miss. Shaw


Riverbridge Primary School