A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Riverbridge Primary School

Be in it to win it!

Enter our Summer Raffle!

The PTA will be holding the summer raffle draw at the Summer Fair on Friday 28th June. Raffle tickets cost £1 each (or £10 for a sheet) and details of how to enter are coming home in book bags this week - or you can see the poster and tickets at the end of this newsletter. Our main prizes will be the amazing colour hampers created from last week’s Mufti Day donations (shown above), plus:

● £50 voucher for Chobham Adventure Farm

● £40 voucher for Nostrano Lounge

● Bockett’s Farm voucher

● Kidabulous Voucher

To enter, return your tickets with the correct cash amount to KGB or PAB reception, in an envelope marked ‘PTA Raffle’.

Please enter some content for your news story here.

Riverbridge Primary School