A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Partnership with Parents

We believe the education of a child is a partnership between parents and school.  It is vital, therefore, that there are good links between home and school.

Parents are invited to a Curriculum Information meeting at the beginning of the school year where their class teacher gives them an overview of the class plans for the year as well as other more practical information about class activities.

In the Autumn and Spring terms parents are invited to come and meet with their class teacher individually to discuss their child's progress.  At the end of the school year, each child receives a written report detailing their achievements and accomplishments from that year.

The Headteacher also writes a weekly newsletter which goes to every family.  From time to time parents are also invited to presentations on an area of development within the curriculum such as Reading, Maths, Computing, E-Safety, and so on.

Please do not let minor problems become major ones.  Come in and talk to us and together we can usually sort things out.  Please see your child's class teacher initially as as soon as possible to discuss your concern.  If more help is needed in addressing the concern the relevant year group leader, our Deputy or our Headteacher are always happy to meet with parents to discuss issues.

Parents help in many ways in school e.g. reading with pupils, computing support, maths games, art & craft activities - the list is endless!  We welcome and value their support.


Parents of pupils in the school automatically become members of the Parent-Teacher Association.  Its aims are to promote the interests of the school; to promote good relationships between parents, staff and the community; to support the school in providing a first class education, and to help raise funds for the school in ways that everyone can enjoy.

The school is deeply grateful for the support and commitment it receives from its families and community.

Riverbridge Primary School