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for Primary Schools

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Modern Foreign Languages

Purpose of study

Speaking another language offers children many exciting opportunities in life. The teaching and learning of modern foreign languages should encourage them to explore this through the exposure to the numerous languages and cultures of the world.

In weekly classroom lessons, teaching will enable children to be able to express their thoughts in French, both through speech and writing. Pupils will be provided with opportunities to communicate for practical purposes, seeing the real life links to their classroom learning.  

Children have the opportunity to gain new knowledge every lesson with a new learning question. Each will they will build not only vocabulary but cultural understanding. It is our vision that the more years they have studied French, the greater their knowledge of the language become and that therefore they can become increasingly creative and independent with their language use.

Aims and Objective

  • Children will be given opportunities to respond to French language sources; in lower KS2, emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and pronunciation, and in upper KS2, children will begin to write simple sentences.
  • Through listening to a variety of authentic sources, children will be able to improve their pronunciation and apply this to reading unfamiliar words.
  • Children will be able to understand simple key questions and respond accordingly.
  • Children will develop confidence in speaking in another language; they will realise that language is a communication tool and can be used creatively.
  • The teaching of French should equip children with the foundation for learning further languages, equipping them for later life.
  • Children have the opportunity to celebrate their cultural links in language lessons. This will be child-led, following their interests and curiosities. Also offering many cross-curricular links, children can develop their research skills and cultural awareness. 
Riverbridge Primary School