A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Pupil Voice at Riverbridge

Our intent

At Riverbridge, our children are at the heart of everything we do. Therefore, we encourage opportunities to give all our children a voice, where they are able to play an active role in the decisions that impact their learning.  

How we implement

  • Regular Class Meetings are held to ensure whole-school and local community issues are discussed and voted on by our pupils
  • Our School Council meet regularly to represent their class views and share new ideas and concerns
  • The Eco-Council meet regularly to discuss concerns around environmental topics and issues - especially those that concern the local community.
  • Pupil Leadership team take on important roles in leading awareness days and weeks - communicating and acting as role models to their younger peers across the school
  • Pupil voice surveys are conducted at the beginning and end of each academic year, in order to improve pupil experience at Riverbridge and uphold the Eight Great Ways of Being Our Best!

The impact

Increasing pupil voice is important for children's well-being, development and educational achievement.

It is therefore crucial that pupil voice is heard and acted upon. Developing pupil voice also enables children and young people to become active and articulate citizens - working alongside adults to improve their school life and their local community.

Developing more effective pupil participation can lead to:

  • Improved pupil engagement, well-being, behaviour and learning
  • Better pupil - staff and pupil-pupil relationships
  • Better whole-school policies and procedures, based on the real needs of pupils
  • More inclusive communities, where all pupils are encouraged and supported to participate, not just those who are most confident and articulate
  • Increased opportunities for pupils to develop personal and social skills

Pupil Voice Survey Autumn Term

If you could describe our school in one word, what would it be?

What do you like best about being a pupil at Riverbridge?


Pupil Voice Survey Summer Term

If you could describe our school in one word, what would it be?

What do you like best about being a pupil at Riverbridge?

Please find below our Pupil Voice Survey. This is a working document that will be referred to throughout the year by the School Council, Pupil Leadership team and Mrs Mehmet, the PSHE Lead.

Riverbridge Primary School