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for Primary Schools

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PTA News

PTA upcoming events

Children will take part in a sponsored scoot on their return from half term. A letter and a sponsor form has been sent home this week. It's going to be lots of fun taking part and if you don't have a scooter, you can still take part.
Upcoming PTA Events
After half term the PTA will be hosting a family quiz night (29th March), a preloved uniform sale (4th April) a
Hotdog Night (date TBC) and of course we have 33 staff and parents running the Staines 10K on 12th May.
Follow us!
Please follow the PTA Facebook page for the very latest information and details of how to get involved. https://www.facebook.com/groups/RiverbridgePrimarySchoolPTA/ or @riverbridgeprimaryschoolpta

Riverbridge Primary School